10 December 2011

Friendly neighbours? By Hannah & Clotilde

The article written on 5th December 2011 for BBC News deals with Kepler 22-b, a planet discovered in 2009. It is in a solar system 600 light-years away. This planet is thought to be habitable...

54 other planets are on their way to be considered as Earth-like planets too. The Kepler team doesn't know yet if Kepler 22-b is made of rock, gas or liquid, but as the planet is situated in a zone which is neither too hot nor too cold, maybe we are not alone in the Universe after all...

Xenomorphobia! By Floriane

The U.S. space agency has revealed the existence of a planet similar to Earth, whose characteristics are conducive to the emergence of life. It is outside our solar system. It was spotted by the powerful telescope of the American Kepler probe, launched in March 2009.

This brings to three the number of potentially habitable planets discovered by the international scientific community. It is as yet impossible to tell if some form of life exists on them, only that the conditions are right.

So, if you're bored with life on earth, you know where you can go to start from scratch !

7 December 2011

New Technologies : dangers and benefits... By Thibault

Nowadays, people are more and more suspicious of technological innovation: electromagnetic, WiFi and other waves, nuclear energy, fossil fuels, Internet, cell phones, etc. Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, warned us of the danger of technologies: “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”. Must we fear new technology ?

I would say that technologies have more advantages than disadvantages, because humans are generally clever and invent useful inventions to solve problems. But, first of all, what is in fact “technology” ? Most people consider it as an innovation often linked to science and electronics. The Oxford Dictionary agrees that technology is “machinery or equipment developed from scientific knowledge”. Nevertheless, these definitions are too wide, because we can say in that case that a knife is technology… Therefore, we’ll only consider “new” technologies, those that have appeared during the XXth and the XXIst centuries.

One of the principal goals of technologies is to win a war as fast as possible. Technologies always evolve during big conflicts, for example the automatic rifle, radio and artillery in the First World War, and the nuclear bomb, jet engine and launchers in the Second World War. In fact, technologies are often created with the aim of killing as many people as possible... Civil technologies generally come from military technologies. For example, Internet was originally created by the American Defense in a Cold War context, so as to make the communication between their troops easier and better encrypted. Then, this technology spread all over the world to create the Internet as we know it today. That’s also the case of the radio, nuclear reactors, the jet engine, launchers, etc.

Are technologies too much part of our lives ? All the “high-technologies”, such as cell phones and mobile computers, need a lot of waves (3G, WiFi, Bluetooth…) to work. But all theses waves are perhaps dangerous to our health. Indeed, brain cells are known to be very fragile. The electro-magnetic waves are accused by some scientists of influencing the reproduction of these cells, and to lead to incurable tumors. There are other dangerous technologies, such as the nuclear plants which represent a gigantic danger for the whole world, especially since the explosion of the Fukushima reactors. It’s really disturbing to see the carelessness of some countries, like France (which has more than 60 nuclear plants), or Japan, concerning Nuclear energy. We mustn’t trifle with this energy: just one milligram of radioactive particle can kill a human, and there is up to 100 tons of nuclear fuel in just one plant… But the multinational firms which construct these dangerous plants buy every patent of safer plants, just to preserve their monopoly of the market, and also to keep earning a lot of money. That’s also the case for the fossil energies and petrol producers. So, we can say that technologies are a danger for Humanity, because we have become too dependent on these potentially dangerous technologies. It’s very difficult to go back because of the profit factor...

However, do not forget that mastery of tools is what differentiates us from animals, and this theory is defended by philosophers like Aristotle or Bergson. Technologies have made also our lives easier and safer. The difference of standard of living between the early XXth and the XXIst century proves it. Thanks to jet engines, we can travel all around the world in just a few hours. Thanks to nuclear plants, we have infinite sources of electricity. Thanks to Internet and cell 'phones, we can communicate everywhere with everyone at any time. Technologies have brought people closer.

Last, but not least, computers allow us to create plenty of interesting things, and give us access to world wide knowledge, or even to calculate gigantic equations in a fraction of a second. In fact, technologies have increased significantly our capacity of thought. In our society, which is principally based on exchanges between countries, the new technologies developed in the XXth century occupy a crucial position because they make use of communication technologies. For instance, Stock Market exchanges need to communicate with each other in order to coordinate the important flows of money. In fact, new technologies are a means of making life easier in our society.

To put it in a nutshell, the earth is endangered by our species, but I think that we can find the right balance between the risks and the benefits of technological innovation.

25 November 2011

Robomaid? By Laure & Bertand

 Hello, humans!

In the past, there were many theories about the future of robots, as shown in movies like WALL.E, or Battlestar Galactica, or I, Robot. But, today, what is the state of robotics ? On November 8th 2011, Honda, the Japanese company, unveiled to the world its new robot : ASIMO. It looks like a Star Wars character. It looks sort of human. It can walk, run, speak, see, recognize a voice, and even "speak" in sign language !

This example of scientific progress should make us think about our future world ; were we right in our predictions ? Will we get fat and lazy, with nothing else to do than give orders to some obliging robot ? Or, on the contrary, will we end up being hunted down by crazy androids ? How far will science go ? We have to manage to take control of technology, and be its masters, not its slaves...

13 November 2011