25 November 2011

Robomaid? By Laure & Bertand

 Hello, humans!

In the past, there were many theories about the future of robots, as shown in movies like WALL.E, or Battlestar Galactica, or I, Robot. But, today, what is the state of robotics ? On November 8th 2011, Honda, the Japanese company, unveiled to the world its new robot : ASIMO. It looks like a Star Wars character. It looks sort of human. It can walk, run, speak, see, recognize a voice, and even "speak" in sign language !

This example of scientific progress should make us think about our future world ; were we right in our predictions ? Will we get fat and lazy, with nothing else to do than give orders to some obliging robot ? Or, on the contrary, will we end up being hunted down by crazy androids ? How far will science go ? We have to manage to take control of technology, and be its masters, not its slaves...

13 November 2011